15th FNSS Plastic Battle Armor Modeling Show
Competition Rules

1. Evaluation Criteria:

Evaluation process of the competition will be conducted by each juror scoring all model participations based on four different criteria via the online application. Score values of these criteria are not equally weighted. Score weights of criteria in different categories are given in detail in sub-headings of article 2 for each category.

Assembly and Construction Level: Assembly, leveling, decal application, correct use of materials, technical skills in structural additions and similar applications, other than all painting applications on the model.

Painting and Weathering: Accuracy and craftsmanship in all processes from undercoating the model to the final retouch and varnish, when necessary.

Difficulty: Details on the model, difficulty level of color and camouflage application. Level of detail, qualities and quantities of figures, nature, vehicles and buildings/structures in diorama category.

Technical and Historical Accuracy and Presentation: Historical accuracy level and aesthetical presentation of the model. Composition balance and creativity in diorama category.


2. Competition Categories

2.1. Category 1K: 1/35 Scale, World Wars Military Land Vehicles Since 1914:

This category covers all tracked/wheeled/semi-tracked military land vehicles served in any region of the world from since 1914 in 1:35 scale.
Models made of basic materials such as plastic, resin and metal and detailed by all kinds of detail sets can compete in this category.

  • Assembly and Construction Level: 25%
  • Painting and Weathering: 35%
  • Difficulty: 25%
  • Technical and Historical Accuracy and Presentation: 15%


2.2. Category 2K: 1/48 Scale, World Wars Military Land Vehicles Since 1914:

This category covers all tracked/wheeled/semi-tracked military land vehicles served in any region of the world since 1914 in 1:48 scale.
Models made of basic materials such as plastic, resin and metal and detailed by all kinds of detail sets can compete in this category.

  • Assembly and Construction Level: 25%
  • Painting and Weathering: 35%
  • Difficulty: 25%
  • Technical and Historical Accuracy and Presentation: 15%


2.3. Category 3K: 1/72 Scale, World Wars Military Land Vehicles Since 1914:

This category covers all tracked/wheeled/semi-tracked military land vehicles served in any region of the world since 1914 in 1:72 scale.
Models made of basic materials such as plastic, resin and metal and detailed by all kinds of detail sets can compete in this category.

  • Assembly and Construction Level: 25%
  • Painting and Weathering: 35%
  • Difficulty: 25%
  • Technical and Historical Accuracy and Presentation: 15%


2.4. Category 4K: 1/35, 1/48 and 1/72 Scale, Turkish Armed Forces Military Land Vehicles Since 1909:

This category covers all tracked/wheeled/semi-tracked Turkish Armed Forces military land vehicles served in any region of the world since 1914.
Models made of basic materials such as plastic, resin and metal and detailed by all kinds of detail sets can compete in this category.

  • Assembly and Construction Level: 25%
  • Painting and Weathering: 35%
  • Difficulty: 25%
  • Technical and Historical Accuracy and Presentation: 15%


2.5. Category 5K: Military Figures & Busts

This category covers all figures from all historical eras and nations, made of basic materials such as plastic, resin and metal with 1:35 or above scale.

  • Assembly and Construction: 10%
  • Painting and Weathering: 70%
  • Difficulty: 10%
  • Technical Conformity and Historical Reality: 10%


2.6. Category 6K: Diorama

This category covers all dioramas made of all kinds of materials, with handmade or ready-to-use bases of any scale.
All figures, equipment, weapons, buildings, plants, animals, surface details and geological structures used together with the military vehicle on the diorama will be considered in the evaluation.
Dioramas smaller than 15x15 cm, which do not include any building, nature or geological structure elements or figures will not be evaluated under this category.
Following articles were added to evaluation criteria for this category:

  • Story/theme: 15%
  • Assembly, Painting and Weathering on Vehicles and Figures: 40%
  • Groundwork: 25%
  • Composition, Visual arrangement and Historical accuracy: %15
  • Difficulty Level: 5%


2.7. Category 7K: Junior Modelers

This category is open to participants who are or under the age of 16.
Registration forms for participation in this category will be completed by parent of the contestant.

This category covers all Military Land Vehicle models made of ready-to-use basic materials such as plastic, resin and metal and detailed by all kinds of detail sets can compete in this category.
* Contestant must fill the required parent's information on profile page

Legal Notice:
I hereby accept that participation of the participant whom I am the legal guardian of (“Participant”) to 15th Plastic Battle Competition (“Competition”) to be held by FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.Ş. (“FNSS”) under the terms and conditions stated IN www.fnssplasticbattle.com website is within my knowledge and consent, there are no conditions that would hinder the Participant from participating to the Competition, I consent that the personal data of the Participant transferred to FNSS by the Participant and/or within the Competition can be used, processed, stored, and stored after anonymization when deemed necessary for the purposes of this Competition by FNSS, I have my explicit consent for photographing and/or filming of the Participant throughout the Competition as well as subsequent usage of these model photographs by FNSS within the scope of their promotion, advertisement and marketing activities or in-company digital and physical environments, bulletins and social media channels including their website.

I do hereby accept, declare and undertake that I am fully and thoroughly informed by FNSS about the aforementioned issues and accordingly I do accept all terms and conditions set forth by FNSS regarding all aforementioned issues.


3. Competition Calendar

Announcement: 7 July 2022
Competition announcement and participation conditions will be announced on “fnssplasticbattle.com” website.

Registration and Participation: 25 July – 5 September 2022
Contestants will perform their electronic registration and participation on “fnssplasticbattle.com” website between 1st October 2021 and 15 November 2021. Participation page will be closed to access at midnight of 15 November 2021. 6-digit numerical participation code for each model application to be made by participants will be created simultaneously with the upload of the model photograph.

Competition Jury: 8 – 11 September 2022
Applications will be evaluated on electronic media based on the criteria in article 1 with the scoring system established.

Announcement of Results: 14 September 2022
Announcement of competition results will be made on “fnssplasticbattle.com” website and PlasticBattle Armor Modeling Show (https://www.facebook.com/FNSSPlasticBattle) Facebook page.

Q&A Date: 25 July – 5 September 2022
Contestants will be able to send their questions to “[email protected]” electronic mail address until 5 September 2022. Responses to frequently asked questions will be anonymously published from “Questions and Answers” page on www.fnssplasticbattle.com website.


4. Awards

For 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards in all categories between 1K and 6K, competition medal will be sent to your addresses stated in the application form.

Surprise gifts will be sent to modelers in “7K Young Modelers” category.


5. Registration and Participation

5.1. Privacy Policy

WHEREAS FNSS is processing certain personal data it has obtained or shared with them including personal data of the Contestants, and processing of personal data is subject to certain procedures and conditions pursuant to Law on Protection of Personal Data no. 6698,

FNSS accepts, declares and guarantees that all personal data including all information and documents of Participants including but not limited to the ones transferred to or obtained by them within the scope of the Competition and all information and documents that may be accepted as special personal data will be processed limitedly within the scope required by the service and/or legal obligations defined within the scope of the Competition, in accordance and relation with the purpose of processing, will be stored until the end of the period required to perform the service within the scope of the Competition and/or to fulfill legal obligations, will delete, destruct or anonymize them when the reasons requiring the processing of personal data cease to exist.

Sensitive personal data are defined in article 6 of the Law as data and biometric and genetical data of people in relation to their race, ethnic origin, political view, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, clothing and style, association, foundation or union membership, health, criminal conviction and safety measures; FNSS hereby guarantees that it will process the sensitive personal data transferred by the Competition or collected/recorded by them within the service provided in accordance with the principles and procedures stated in Law on Protection of Personal Data.


5.2. Application Deadlines:

Contestants will perform their electronic registration and participation on “fnssplasticbattle.com” website between 25 July 2022 and 5 September 2022. Participation page will be closed to access at midnight of 5 September 2022.


5.3. Participation Format:

Electronic Registration: Competition participants will electronically complete the contestant registration form on www.fnssplasticbattle.com as of October 1st. Identities of registered contestants will be kept confidential* by the competition organization, and contestants are obliged to keep the 6-digit participant code created individually for each model.

After PlasticBattle Committee approves that the participant fulfills the preliminary condition, the Contestant shall not share the model code with third parties until the competition ends. Otherwise, the participation will be deemed invalid.


5.4. Uploading of Models:

Photographs of models will be uploaded to the fields defined on “fnssplasticbattle.com” as electronic copies. Contestants may participate with any number of models in all categories they wish.
Upload procedures should not be postponed to the last day, considering the faults that may occur due to uploading to server simultaneously.


5.4.1. Participation Form:

Contestants must pay attention that they participate in the right category when completing the participation forms.


5.4.2. Photograph Format:

4 to 12 photographs of the model must be presented with various angles n the desired background color. Only the final photographs of the models must be uploaded except scratch build models. Modellers can also upload construction stages of scratch build models if desired. Shooting angles of models:

  • Vehicle; front, back, top, bottom, back corner, front corner angles and additionally close details from any points up to 12 pictures in total
  • Figure; front, back, back corner, front corner angles and additionally close details from any points up to 12 pictures in total
  • Diorama; front, back, top, corner angles and additionally close details from any points up to 12 pictures in total Technical requirements:

  • File Type (Format) : JPG, JPEG
  • Resolution (DPI)    :72 dpi
  • Color Mode           : RGB
  • Dimension             : Minimum 1600x1200 pixels
  • File Size                 : Maximum 7MB per each file References:
References are not obligatory in the competition. Modelers may upload the reference documents/photographs for their models with the purpose to inform the jury if they deem necessary.


6. Rules

6.1. Contestants will be deemed to accept all competition conditions and jury decisions as of the moment they electronically approve their participant applications on www.fnssplasticbattle.com website.

6.2. FNSS has the right to display the photographs of all models as long as and in any form, they want. FNSS can also use the photographs of models participating in the competition for promotional purposes and can share them with media organizations.

6.3. Models that have previously won awards in “FNSS Plastic Battle Armor Modeling Show” cannot participate in this contest.

6.4. Modelers can participate with any number of models in any categories they wish. Each model will be evaluated independently.

6.5. Competition organization will not conduct an examination to detect whether the photographs were falsified. Photographs will not be edited or colored by image editing software or applications.

6.6. Contestants cannot add names, e-mail addresses, texts or marks on any part of the model photographs with the purpose to identify or potentially identify the owner.

6.7. All applications will be made by logging in to the field defined for contestants in “member login” field of “fnssplasticbattle.com” website and uploading the photographs of models. Photographs and applications sent by electronic mail will not be accepted.

Data subject to change without notice

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