Privacy and Protection of Personal Data

WHEREAS FNSS is processing certain personal data it has obtained or shared with them including personal data of the Contestants, and processing of personal data is subject to certain procedures and conditions pursuant to Law on Protection of Personal Data no. 6698,

FNSS accepts, declares and guarantees that all personal data including all information and documents of Participants including but not limited to the ones transferred to or obtained by them within the scope of the Competition and all information and documents that may be accepted as special personal data will be processed limitedly within the scope required by the service and/or legal obligations defined within the scope of the Competition, in accordance and relation with the purpose of processing, will be stored until the end of the period required to perform the service within the scope of the Competition and/or to fulfill legal obligations, will delete, destruct or anonymize them when the reasons requiring the processing of personal data cease to exist.

Sensitive personal data are defined in article 6 of the Law as data and biometric and genetical data of people in relation to their race, ethnic origin, political view, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, clothing and style, association, foundation or union membership, health, criminal conviction and safety measures; FNSS hereby guarantees that it will process the sensitive personal data transferred by the Competition or collected/recorded by them within the service provided in accordance with the principles and procedures stated in Law on Protection of Personal Data.

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